God Owns My Business

One of the greatest moments in my life was having the opportunity to interview a great man and Christian entrepreneur, Dr. R. Stanley Tam on the My Father’s Business Broadcast. I was first made aware of the works of Dr. Tam through a message given by Pastor David Ireland.

tam_stanleyIn the message, R. Stanley Tam was a young aspiring businessman in the early 1940’s.  However, he was at the point of what seemed to be the sure failure of his business, Tamco.  He had tried everything in his power and still could not see the manifestation of success in his business.  It was at this point that he decided to turn his business over to the Lord.  No longer would he be concerned with the affairs of the business but he committed everything to the Lord.

I will turn my business over to you.  Take it, God, and if You’ll make it succeed, I’ll honor You in every way I can. I promise!

He formalized this commitment by structuring ownership of the business so that God was his senior partner. He accomplished this by allocating 51% of the equity ownership of his business to a private foundation setup by he and his wife, Jaunita.

The Stanita Foundation would receive fifty-one percent of the profits generated by all his business.  And the sole purpose of the foundation was to provide financial support for missionary work throughout the world.

As a result of his obedience, his business took off and he never suffered a year of loss.  How many businesses would love to have both growth and profit each year?  For Dr. Tam, each year was profitable and his business grew into a multi-million dollar enterprise.

In subsequent years, while on a missionary trip, he was moved by the Holy Spirit to give the remaining 49% of equity of the company to the foundation – the full 100% of his business now belonged to the Lord.  Dr. Tam elected to become an employee in God’s company – God truly owned his business.

The impact Dr. Tam’s commitment has  furthered the spreading of the Gospel throughout the world. Through the years,  Dr. Tam’s businesses have sown into the Stanita Foundation over $120 million which has been used for God’s work in the missionary field.

Over the years, God gave Dr. Tam the anointing to win souls for Christ.  Over a twenty-three year period, he averaged three souls a day.  This is over 25,000 people that have been led to the Lord through Dr. Tam and his businesses.  You can read about this great man through his books entitled:

These books have had a tremendous impact on my life and are a must read for Christian entrepreneurs.

The message about Dr. Tam reverberated in my heart and I yearned to met this man who gave all to God when he had nothing.  I wondered if Dr. Tam were still alive since he started his first company in the late 1930’s.  By conducting a search on the internet and making several phone calls, I was able to locate Dr. Tam.  Yes!  The 92 year old was retired and still at work in God’s business. After a brief conversation with him, I was then able to schedule a phone interview with him for the following week.

Here are a few nuggets of wisdom from our interview:

As my burden for loss souls grew, my business grew.

Lay up your treasure in heaven – Matthew 6:19-21 (pay your wealth forward so that you can get to enjoy it for all of eternity)

Do not ever use debt to finance your business.  Look to God as the Source and He will meet every need.

The best time to make a decision for Christ is when you do not have anything.  Then He gets all the glory.

Many people have been saved through the sign on our building that says, “Christ is the answer.”

We also put gospel tracts in our catalog that is shipped to businesses and many people have come to know God by reading the tracts.

You can hear the full interview on the My Father’s Business website by clicking on the Featured Broadcast message link.

My life has truly been impacted by getting to know Dr. Tam through his books and the interview.  I knew that God wanted me to do something different regarding the way I conducted my business.  Steps we have taken include:

  • tithing on every dollar that comes into the company;
  • setting aside a portion of the ownership to be given to a private foundation; and
  • setting an exit strategy where 100% of the company would be owned by the foundation.

We look forward to see how our companies will impact eternity by structuring the ownership so that God truly owns them.

15 Responses

  1. I just came across Stanley Tam’s name for the first time and began doing some research about him on the internet, which led me to your interview. I am amazed to read about this man and his ministry as it speaks directly to some things that God has spoken to me about and I couldn’t be farther from knowing how to do. He has been doing what I feel God has called me to “millions into missions” (I head God say to me). I have had my own business for 22 years and have made a lot of financial mistakes and have been praying over and researching new direction and new ways to follow what I feel He has called me and the money of my business to. Thanks for sharing your interview.

  2. Blessings in the Lord. My name is Benny Munoz. Mr. Stanley success thru God has given me a lot of interest in what he has to say. I would like to meet Mr. Stanley Tam in person. I am a Christian Latin jazz guitarist with a big heart and a whole lot of love for God trying to make it in the music industry. My promise to God is that if I do make it with my music, I will continue to give Him the glory and honor. Also I will help financially our church first, then all the other ministries that truly are ministries called by God. I must congratulate Mr. Stanley for his confidence in God and for being obedient and faithful to Him. I will add Mr. Stanley’s name to my prayer list. May God continue to bless him and his industry. We need more Stanley’s in this world. I am headed now to church to play my guitar to God and thank him again for the unique talent he has given me. Without God I would be lost.

  3. Benny,

    Dr. Tam can be reached via http://www.USPlastics.com.

    He is a great person and it has been a blessing to be able to speak with him. He has really made an impact in my life.

  4. Please let me know if you have study books to make a bible study about how to run a business with bible principles.
    Also I need to know if I borrow money I need to pay tithes that come from this money,
    fernando Linares T

  5. Fernando,

    Here are some other resources that can be of assistance: Business Resources

    I am also writing a book that will be published shortly – that will really be of assistance.

    I do not believe that you have to tithe off of loan that you have received because that loan is not money you can use freely. You have obtained the loan for some particular purpose and that is the reason the loan was granted.
    It is my belief that you should avoid loans as much as possible. I am writing from personal experience. Loans are tied to collateral and if you cannot pay it back, you will suffer the consequences.

    Allow the Lord to bring the resources in Himself. I know that they do not teach this in business school but we must trust the Lord for everything. He will give us what we want with no strings attached. Then you will be able to tithe off of this amount.

    Proverbs 10:22 (New King James Version)
    The blessing of the LORD makes one rich,
    And He adds no sorrow with it.

    We have to ask ourselves whether or not a loan is a blessing from the Lord.

  6. Christy, here is a link to Dr. Tam’s Video.

  7. Hi, great website.

    Psalm 139.16

    “You saw me before I was born. You had written in Your book everyday of my life, everything I would do, every moment was laid out, before a single day had passed”

  8. God called me to this business in 2004. It’s been doing okay, but just making ends meet. I put in a lot of hours, sometimes all nighters to get work done. I’ve been saying that what business owners do, but not seeing growth. God used Psalm 127:1-2 to convict me that I was not allowing Him to build my business. I asked Him what did I need to do or stop doing to allow Him to build my business. In my searching I ran across Dr. Tam and your blog. What an answer! I’m fasting to hear from him. Any other suggestions?

  9. hello;
    the following missionary is looking for someone that I feel is in relation to what dr. tam is involved in.
    if someone can help this person, please respond to the following info:

    A referral is needed to a plastic products manufacturer. Please send referral information to Roger Stahl, Block 231 Toa Payoh, Lorong 8, #03-183, Singapore 310231, or call 65-6604-2868 (home), 65-9645-2311 (cell), or 65-9046-8878 (cell)

    God bless you all as you keep working in His ministry,

  10. As I write this, I am presently reading Dr Tam’s book God Owns My Business. I read it couple of year back and forgot everything about it. But when I started my Business in January, I wanted God to direct the affairs. I was believing God for everyday miracle. One morning I woke up, and God instructed to give my business to Him. I was thinking of how and I heard Him say I should find Dr. Tam’s book, which I did after some day. I’m reading it again. And presently, I’m dedicated to tithing to the tinniest figure. I ran into your blog cause I wanted to know more about the Stanita Foundation. I am presently believing God to give me grace to finalise what He told me to do with my business. I am excited because I feel favored to be one of the few that God wants to use my business to propagate the gopsel in my country, Nigeria. I wish I can write Mr. Tam a letter. If you can help me with his contact address, I will be grateful. Thank you.

  11. Octavia,

    Thank you for responding to our blog and please forgive me for taking so long to get back to you.
    Psalms 127:1-2 is a great verse that I have come to love as I build companies including my own. To me this verse is the essence of joint venturing with God in our work. It represents us working in conjunction with the Holy Spirit. Every time we feel overwhelmed by our business is because we are not allowing the Holy Spirit to do the work. This is true spiritual balance. When we hear from God and obey, then the Holy Spirit is empowered to work. If we are overwhelmed, it must mean that we have not heard from God or we are not obeying. Both of these elements must be in place in order for the Holy Spirit to work and for you to be relieved. Remember God has fashioned us to work but not to labor or toil.

    Additionally, for your business to grow to its full potential you must begin to allow other to join in the work that the Lord has called you to. Business can only achieve its ultimate productivity through the teaming of individuals. You must pray to go to send the right type of employees and sources of revenue so that you will be walking in the original purpose of a business.

  12. Alfred,

    Thank you for you comment.

    You can reach Dr. Tam by contacting http://www.usplastic.com.


  13. Salim,

    You can contact Dr. Tam and his family at http://www.usplastic.com.


  14. Fernando,

    Here is a must-read list of books for entrepreneurs:
    The Cereal Tycoon – Great story of Henry Parsons Crowell, founder of Quaker Oats
    God Owns My Business – Dr. Tam
    Thou Shall Prosper – a new way of looking at Jewish entrepreneurial success
    Mover of Men and Mountains – R.G. LeTourneau – great entrepreneur and great man of God
    The Autobiography of George Mueller – great book on the power of prayer

  15. Iam,

    Thank you for your comment.

    Coach Andrew

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